Welcome to Room 11's first thinking blog!
On here you will find different ways in which we are looking at what thinking means to us. We will also be embarking on some of our own personal inquiries into areas we want to know more about about, finding opportunities to think critically about the world around us.
We hope that you enjoy our blog and also learn something as we report back on our thinking journey.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Silly Seuss Sentences

After reading 'Oh, The Thinks You Can Think,' we looked at some different words there were real words and Seuss words. Dr Seuss had lots of fun making up rhyming words! We put them into different hats and then made up our own silly Seuss sentences using one words from the real side and one word from the Seuss side. Here is what a few of us came up with!

What does thinking mean?

We read the book 'Oh, The Thinks We Can Think,' then we thought about what thinking means to us. Listen to what we think, thinking means.