Welcome to Room 11's first thinking blog!
On here you will find different ways in which we are looking at what thinking means to us. We will also be embarking on some of our own personal inquiries into areas we want to know more about about, finding opportunities to think critically about the world around us.
We hope that you enjoy our blog and also learn something as we report back on our thinking journey.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

I wanted to make a colourful squiggle because we had done our own coloured thinking pictures and I wanted to draw a colourful hat.

What can you draw from a simple squiggle?

I thought that the squiggle could be streamers because it could be a birthday with people having a fun time. The squiggle looked like a streamer because of its shape.

What can you draw from a simple squiggle?

I drew a face with curly hair because the squiggle looks like a strand of hair and it is kind of curly and some people have curly hair.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

I drew my picture because I thought no-one else would think of it and the squiggle looked like the shape of a smiley face.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

When Mrs Head told us to make a picture out of a squiggle I saw the squiggle and I put the squiggle in my head to memorise it and I just started drawing in my head and I thought of a guitar.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

I drew an apple because I was eating my apple when I was drawing it. I was bitting into the apple and I thought the squiggle could be the bite out of an apple.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

I love dinosaurs! When I saw the squiggle I thought the top of it was like the head and neck of the dinosaur going down and the curve in the back.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

I drew an ear because I thought of what we did with Mrs Tomlin when we drew a picture of an ear. The squiggle looked like the shape of the outer ear and then I drew I the inner parts to it.

What can you make from a simple squiggle?

Wow what an amazing range of squiggle drawers in Room 11! No two pictures were the same. Everyone started off with the same little squiggle on a page and created their own picture from it along with a short story.
Check out the cool pictures we created and what made us think of our particular image when we saw the squiggle.

Thinking through pictures

I like the real side best because the main detail if you have a colourful land you might crash into it thinking it is your old land. I did my sun and sky colourful because it could get people to go into that land. We were learning that if you create your own way it is your own ideas and no one elses ideas its the way you think.


Thinking through pictures

I like the real side because it is nice and blue. I did my sky colourful because I like doing different colours. We were learning to colour one side how it would be and the other side how we would do it.

Thinking through pictures

I like the real side best because I like how we can do the picture how it looks outside at the beach. We were learning how to think and do our pictures differently to everyone else so that it didn't look the same.

Thinking through pictures

I like the side that I did best because it has got a colourful sky and I like the tree too. I like rainbows so I made the sky look like a rainbow. We were learning to think everyone had a different idea and so the pictures were all different.

Thinking through pictures

I like my right hand side better because it is gold and red and the sun is blue because I like those three colours. Because red is for fire, gold is for crystals and blue is for water. I did the sea purple because in a cartoon there is purple and that cartoon is strong. I did the opposite for the trees on my side a brown tree and green trunk. We were learning that it was our choice and we could colour it any colour we wanted.

Thinking through pictures

I like my side the best because you got to add more stuff to the picture like the coconuts. I liked that you could make it colourful. I did my sun half red half blue so that it could look cool instead of just being one colour and because they are my favourite colours. We were learning to use our eyes to colour the picture in seeing the world with our eyes.

Thinking through pictures

I like the real side better because I like the colour of it and its green and blue and yellow and the coconuts are falling down and the boat is floating and the plane is flying. We coloured the other side different so that everyone's looked different.

Thinking through pictures

I like my made up side better because I have coloured in a colourful tree and I like the way I did my sky and the water green because sometimes when the water is really cold it turns green, because I have seen this at Water World. I enjoyed looking at other people's colourful thinking pictures.

Thinking through pictures

I coloured my made up side differently than the right coloured side. I like my normal one better because it would be more better because it has all the main colours. If trees were colourful it would just look weird and everything would look weird.

Thinking through pictures

I coloured my side the way I did. I like my side because I like the colours I used. I learnt that you don't just have to colour it the way it looks in real life you can do it any way you want. I was surprised how different people coloured it in.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thinking through pictures

I did the other side of the poster different colours because it looks cool and the trees are red because I thought of the flowers and I did the waves yellow because I thought of the sand. I definitly did the sky purple because it is my favourite colour and I did the clouds checkers because my brother likes checkers.
I did the plane yellow because I thought of the sand and I did the boat green because I thought of the
grass. I did the sand blue because I thought of the water . I like my side better because it has lots of different
colours in it. In class we were learning about thinking so that is why I did my side differently. I did the sun those colours because it looks cool and awesome that way, and I did the stork of the tree pink
because I thought of the flamingoes.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thinking through pictures

 My picture it says the sun is yellow the sky is blue the tree is green and the other side says the sun is not yellow and so I did the sun green and it say sky is not blue so I coloured the sky in yellow and it says that the palm tree is not green so I did the trunk green and did the leaves brown. I did the sun green because green is my favourite colour and I did the sky yellow because yellow is the colour of the sun and I did the palm tree of the leaves brown cause its the opposite to the trunk cause the trunk is brown and so I did the leaves brown because the trunk is brown and I did the trunk green because its the colour of the leaves. I like the real way better because I think the way it is looks better because the sun is yellow because it is bright.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thinking through pictures

I prefer the side that you could do what ever you wanted to do because it is showing that you are doing your own picture of the beach. The other side you had to do what it said colour the sky blue.                                            

Thinking through pictures

I coloured my picture random and other colours like green and blue my favourite colour on my picture is orange. I like my side better because I can make it however I want to colour my imagination on my picture.

Thinking through Pictures

I did the sun and the sky like that because when the rainbow comes over it stretches across the sky.
I like the right side best because it has a lot of colour.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thinking through pictures

I like my picture the way I coloured it because my way is brighter than the normal way. 

Thinking through pictures

On Friday we got a picture to colour in. One side we had to colour the sun in yellow, the sky blue and the palm tree green. The colours you would usually see them in real life. On the other side we weren't allowed to colour the sun yellow, the sky blue or the palm tree green. We talked about creativitiy and thinking outside the square. Just because the sky is blue why must we always have to paint it blue, if we want our art to represent us who is to say it must be blue.
Have a look at what we came up and why we coloured our world the way we did.

How to Make Schlopp

In the story it talks about schlopp, schloop, beautiful schlopp, beautiful schlopp with a cherry on top. We made our own schlopp complete with a cherry on top! We used this to practice our skills at writing a step-by-step procedure so that others could make it at home.
Here are a few examples.

How to make schloop
By Sofia

-Icing Sugar

First you need to put the cream in the bowl.
Then you need to beat the cream. While you are beating the cream put the icing sugar in and keep on beating until the cream is thick.
Next you fold the yoghurt and the cream after it has been beaten.
Then put the schlopp on the spoon.
Lastly put a cherry on top and eat the schlopp.

How to make schlopp
By Amelia

-Icing Sugar

First we need our bowl.
Next we need to put the cream in the bowl.
Now we need to put some icing sugar in the bowl with the beater.
Next we need to mix the cream and the icing sugar until it is thick.
Now you stop mixing.
Next you put your yoghurt in.
Now you fold the ingredients in the bowl.
Now we take our spoon then dip it into the bowl and put a cherry on top.
Now eat it.

More Silly Seuss Sentences

After we had separated words into real words and Seuss words we had to create our own silly sentence using one Seuss word in it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Silly Seuss Sentences

After reading 'Oh, The Thinks You Can Think,' we looked at some different words there were real words and Seuss words. Dr Seuss had lots of fun making up rhyming words! We put them into different hats and then made up our own silly Seuss sentences using one words from the real side and one word from the Seuss side. Here is what a few of us came up with!

What does thinking mean?

We read the book 'Oh, The Thinks We Can Think,' then we thought about what thinking means to us. Listen to what we think, thinking means.